Tuesday 25 May 2010

South Africa yields tonnes of comedy gold

Julius Malema is a controversial figure. He is a member of the ruling ANC Youth League and excites crowds with rousing cries of land redistribution.

He also likes nothing better than to sing the slightly divisive song 'Kill the Boer', which might have been the inspiration for the murder of Eugene Terreblanche in April.

Except now this brash, articulate populist has been disciplined by his own party for being a little too akin to Robert Mugabe for their liking.

He has therefore changed his tune, or rather his lyrics. He can now be spotted at rallies crying 'Kiss the Boer'.

The new song reportedly has South Africa's Afrikaner population in a panic, dreading the possibility that Malema could at any time lunge at their lips with his.

For a thoroughly more humorous rendering of this story see below:


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